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Aharon Wheels Bolsta

Aharon wheels bolsta with evan fraser calabash tabla ngoni world music kalimba

My Awesome Blog Post

Aharon Wheels Bolsta BW

New website-years in the making!

The official release of my new website is coming very soon! I’m excited to have it up and running! This year has been overshadowed by Covid-19 (not to mention all kinds of political unrest and tragedies such as wildfires and hurricanes), and there is much to say on this. But, as most of you reading this know, musicians and live performers in general are hardest hit financially by the pandemic protocols in terms of losing work opportunities. It seems only my web presence can save my career, one way or another. I’ve managed to master Zoom lesson navigation, now I need to embrace fully having a web presence that does justice to my long and varied career!

I have music available for purchase; music videos near completion to share; new collaborations on and offline; and, most of all, copious teaching materials for many of the instruments and genres that I play, including videos and learning packages that include online private and group lessons, transcriptions, and Q & A sessions. 

Whether you are new to an instrument or music in general or an intermediate or advanced player of an instrument or genre, I may be able to offer you or your group unique instruction, coaching, or guidance.


My old website was wildly outdated and never really complete… I humbly welcome you into my musical world through this new simple yet effective portal. Thanks for your time.

Big group concert in Varanasi, India at the local middle-eastern restaurant… Owned by a family form Lebanon, they were super thrilled to host this eclectic mix of musicial travelers: Wade Evans playing oud, from Utah and washington; Jason Ditzian on nay and clarinet (my bands with him include Kugelplex, Khi Darag, Nanos Operetta, duo projects, Dan Cantrell’s various mega-bands and micro-sequitors, and collaboratoins with the San Francisco Mime Troupe & International Body Music Festival, and… well, the future is ripe with possibility!); Isabel Douglass on accordion (find her Copenhagen-based music label “Tone Chamber”. Our collaborations in the Bay Area included our duo project — featured in a film this year — Kugelplex, and fusion with Persian Classical santoorist Faraz Minooie); and Ariana Saraha on frame drums and vocals (we went on to perform and record together in California and Colorado for many years– mostly her original music!); Patchane Blanchet of Quebec fame and international fandom may have been in this concert with us as well; and Israel Diaz Garcia from Mexico City on percussion!

This Is Awesomeness Section 2

Well… it’s four plus months into the Covid-19 shut-down worldwide of live music and entertainment. Tonight I am happy to be playing a solo concert online for a birthday celebration fundraiser. I also have some exciting new collaborations in the works I look forward to sharing soon. It’s good to get back in the saddle!  

Aharon Wheels Bolsta multi-instrumentalist bow

Chai time in India